Outdoor rink: Call for adult volunteers and youth workers

The outdoor rink (ODR) season is approaching fast! We need at least 5 adult volunteers as well as up to 10 youth workers to maintain the rink. Youth workers are paid at the end of the year for the hours they put in.

A maintenance crew consists of two youth workers and one adult volunteer. Maintenance is done Sunday to Friday, 9-10 pm, during the ODR season, weather permitting. The season typically lasts 8 – 10 weeks.  Maintenance involves scraping the ice surface to remove all snow, followed by flooding. Youth workers are responsible for scraping, while the adult volunteer runs the snow blowers and flood with the hose.

Training is provided for those who are new to rink maintenance.

Adult volunteers are also needed to open the skate shack and supervise while it is open.
No adult supervision = closed skate shack.


Contact Steven McAvoy at steven.mcavoy@qualicum.org

Outdoor rink: Call for volunteers

Outdoor rink: Call for volunteers

The outdoor rink (ODR) season is upon us! This year we need 3 adult volunteers as well as youth workers to fill in the gaps left by those not returning. The adult volunteers and youth workers are responsible for rink maintenance. A maintenance crew consists of two youth workers and one adult volunteer.

Maintenance is done Sunday to Friday, 9-10 pm, during the ODR season, weather permitting. The season typically lasts 8 – 10 weeks.

Maintenance efforts involve scraping the ice surface to remove all snow, followed by flooding. Youth workers are responsible for scraping, while the adult volunteer runs the snow blowers and flood hose.

Training is provided for those who are new to rink maintenance.


Interested adult volunteers and youth workers should contact rink@qualicum.org