Thursday December 2nd, at 7pm by Zoom


  • Approval of 2021 AGM Agenda
  • Approval of 2020 AGM Minutes
  • Financial Overview
  • Voting of Executive
  • Update on our Program and Services
  • City of Ottawa’s Masterplan
  • New business or motions
  • Call to adjourn

Joining meeting
To view the Financial Overview, 2020 AGM Minutes and meeting details, go to the 2021 AGM package in the Member Portal

You will also be asked to identify yourself by using the first and last used you used to sign up for your QGPCA membership prior to joining the AGM.  You can do this by customizing your display name in your profile. Please join early so that we can cross-reference your name with the membership list.  

Submitting questions
You can email in advance or use the chat function to ask any questions which will be answered by the Chair or a presenter at the relevant time.

Proposers and Seconders
Throughout the AGM, there will be calls for someone to propose a motion and for someone to second it. You can propose / second by raising the ‘raise hand’ tool and we will take the name of the first member to raise their hand in each instance.

For some agenda items there will be a call to participate in a vote, which will be done using the Polls function on Zoom. When prompted, please select Yes, No or Abstain.

New to Zoom?  Consult the Zoom User Guide for AGM Attendees.